Wellness is much more than merely physical health, exercise, or nutrition. It is the full integration of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Wellness Checklist

Daily rituals and positive habits can enhance your life and increase your success.
Take a look at the following list and circle any areas of need:

‣ You stretch or work out every day
‣ You stay focused on your goals each day
‣ Your routine is consistent and deliberate
‣ You find time within the day for yourself
‣ You find something to look forward to after work
‣ You under-promise to over-deliver for daily tasks
‣ You spend more time doing what you want rather than what others expect
‣ You take time to eat regular meals away from your desk
‣ You get enough sleep
‣ You go outside during the day to get some Vitamin D from the sunlight
‣ You connect with people you love daily.

Learn about healthy and toxin-free cooking at Nutricraft where everyone is welcome to join our social media channels.


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