Are You Exposing Your Family to Toxic Fumes from Non-Stick Cookware?

Are You Exposing Your Family to Toxic Fumes from Non-Stick Cookware?

If you love cooking, one of your favorite kitchen items is probably your non-stick cookware. If you use your non-stick pots and pans on a daily basis, you may unknowingly be exposing your family to hidden dangers. That's because non-stick cookware is made using a carcinogenic chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), which starts emitting toxic fumes that you inhale every time you cook with a non-stick pot or pan!
At high temperatures, the coating of non-stick cookware will also break down into a chemical warfare agent known as PFIB, and a chemical analog of the WWII nerve gas phosgene.
Your best friend in the kitchen may actually be your family's worst health enemy. It only takes 5 minutes for non-stick cookware to emit at least six toxic gases. i
How dangerous is PFOA to your health? What other toxic gases are released when you use non-stick cookware?
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